Perlite hydroponic grow bags

Top-notch produce all year round
We offer a comprehensive range of hydroponic grow bags in a variety of perlite particle and container sizes to match the specific requirements of each horticultural crop type, as well as your particular growing preferences.
Each particle size provides an optimized growing medium for plants in terms of air/water ratio, as well as excellent water retention and even water distribution, irrespective of the type of plant you are cultivating. Our grow bags will help you boost production yield and ensure the fruits, vegetables and plants you produce are top-quality all year round.
Why choose Imerys perlite hydroponic grow bags?
Perlite versus organic substrates
Our hydroponic perlite is sterile, disease- and fungus-free and easy to manage: Organic substrates - such as coco - are subject to contamination from bacteria, weeds and fungal spores that can damage plants. They also present salinity and pH issues, forcing growers to monitor their crops more closely. Likewise, they require initial flushing, causing nutrient loss and increasing water consumption and the need to irrigate plants more frequently during the early wetting phase. Imerys hydroponic perlites are sterile and free from bacteria and fungus. Their use requires less frequent plant monitoring and irrigation during the initial stages, making them a less labor intensive alternative to organic substrates.
Our hydroponic perlite performance is stable over time: Unlike organic substrates, perlite won’t decompose over time, meaning substrate volumes remain stable and will continue to provide the same water holding capacity and aeration performance for many years.
Perlite versus inorganic substrates
Our hydroponic perlite maintains optimum moisture: Due to its unique capillarity and free-draining nature, our hydroponic perlite maintains an optimum moisture level around the plant’s roots whilst providing sufficient aeration, preventing plant stress through root asphyxia. They prevent waterlogging even at maximum water holding capacity.
Our hydroponic perlite lasts longer and requires minimum maintenance: Compared to substrates such as mineral wool which has a lifespan of about 2 years, our hydroponic perlites can last up to five years. They require little monitoring, infrequent replacement and no off-season maintenance.
Our hydroponic perlite is an eco-friendly choice: Derived from volcanic rock our expanded perlites are of 100% natural origin. Moreover, they can be easily re-sterilised and are therefore reusable, and bags are recyclable at the end of their lifespan.
A variety of perlite grinds and bag sizes
- Otavi®: Coarse graded perlite (EMEA)
- Marjal®: Medium graded perlite (EMEA)
- Agroperl®: Medium-coarse graded perlite (EMEA & South America)
Other grades available on request for specific cultivation areas and conditions.
Bag sizes available from 12L to 40L.
Key benefits